According to רש"י if the פירות deteriorate normally (which is considered בכדי חסרונן), then רשב"ג maintain that the נפקד should sell it, while the חכמים maintain that he should not. If, however their deterioration is greater than the normal amount all agree that he should sell it.
תוספות maintains if the deterioration is less than the yearly amount [but more than the pro-rated monthly amount] (which is considered בכדי חסרונן) then רשב"ג maintains to sell it, and the חכמים disagree; however if the deterioration is more than the yearly allotment, then all agree that it should be sold. However if it is deteriorating according to the pro-rated yearly allotment (or less) then all agree that it should not be sold.
Another תודה is not brought - אין מביאין תודה אחרת
According to רש"י one should buy either a תודה or לחמי תודה with the money that was used to redeem the לחמי תודה; while תוספות maintains he may not purchase any new תודה or לחמי תודה with this money. The לחמי תודה are redeemed for the possibility that the original תודה will be found and he can buy לחמי תודה with this money, or they are redeemed with a פרוטה, thus enabling the owners to eat the לחמי תודה and not suffer a great(er) loss.
But rather; that the sacrifice was slaughtered on their behalf - אלא לעולם שנשחט עליהן הזבח
The גמרא says that the blood spilled because it seems highly improbable that the חלות should be נפסל בלינה due to the lack of אוכלים, since it is מותר לזרים. The גמרא assumes however that it was נשחט בי"ג.
שתי הלחם and לחמי תודה (according to one מ"ד) can be redeemed (if the דם was not נזרק [properly]) to the extent that the כסף הפדיון will retain the קדושה of the respective לחמים; however the לחמי תודה and שתי הלחם will not become חולין.
Anything which is ready to be sprinkled; is considered as if it had been sprinkled - כל העומד ליזרק כזרוק דמי
Concerning the קרבן itself we always maintain כל העומד לזרוק כזרוק דמי even if a זריקה פסולה was performed. However concerning external items (such as the לחמים) it is כזרוק only if no זריקה פסולה occurred.