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Amud 8b

תוס' ד"ה שיזכה

That he should merit to the World-to–come; he is a complete צדיק, etc. - שיזכה לעולם הבא הרי זה צדיק גמור

It is proper for a person to request a reward for his good deeds; provided he does not regret performing them if his request is not granted.

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תוס' ד"ה מלמד

This teaches; that your cow will be grazing in the pasture - מלמד שתהא פרתך רועה באפר

The word את in ולא יחמוד איש את ארצך teaches that no harm will befall your livestock (which is a derivative of the land).

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תוס' ד"ה לכדרבי אמי

For רבי אמי, etc. - לכדרבי אמי

The פסוק of ולא יחמוד was written primarily for ארצך to teach that מי שיש לו קרקע עולה לרגל; however the תורה (unnecessarily) added the את to teach that the livestock are also protected.

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תוס' ד"ה רב

רב infers from the word חיצונות, etc. - רב דייק חיצונות

רב maintains that the first qualifier is most important; while שמואל maintains that it is the final qualifier that determines their position.

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