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Amud 10b

תוס' ד"ה שאני

A bathroom is different; for there is much filth there - שאני בית הכסא דנפיש זוהמא

The query of רבינא regarding a ביהכ"ס was not resolved however the query regarding a מרחץ was resolved that it does not have the status of a מרחץ.

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תוס' ד"ה דמתרגמינן

For we translate it; a trustworthy G-d - דמתרגמינן אלהא מהימנא

'ה is called שלום because he does acts of שלום.

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תוס' ד"ה הנותן

One who gives a gift to his friend it is necessary that he inform him - הנותן מתנה לחברו צריך להודיעו

Gifts to the poor should be given anonymously, since the recipient is embarrassed.

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תוס' ד"ה יהבה

He gave it to him - יהבה ניהליה

Receiving מתנות כהונה is no presumption of כהונה (since it is מותר לזרים) unless the distributor says that he gave it בתורת כהונה.

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תוס' ד"ה הכי

This is how the text is read; the thing evolved and our forefathers descended to Egypt - הכי גרסינן נתגלגל הדבר וירדו אבותינו למצרים

The גזירה of ועבדום וענו אותם would not have been as severe, were it not for the כתונת פסים that יעקב made for יוסף.

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תוס' ד"ה ושל

And s'סדום existence was fifty-two years - ושל סדום נ"ב שנה

According to the סדר עולם, it will be necessary to say that סדום was first at peace for the first two years of its existence, and then after twenty six years of strife it was at peace for an additional twenty four years, after which it was destroyed.

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