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Amud 19a

תוס' ד"ה נותנין

We give food to a Gentile in the courtyard - נותנין מזונות לנכרי בחצר

Food may be given to a נכרי in the חצר even בשבת but no other objects; the נכרי is partially considered as מזונותיו עליך regarding שבות דרבנן only.

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תוס' ד"ה לא

He should not rent out - לא ישכיר

One may not rent something out to a נכרי on ע"ש even if he is renting it on a weekly or monthly basis, for (since he is renting it immediately prior to שבת) it appears as if he is taking שכר שבת (which is אסור).

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תוס' ד"ה אלא

Unless he set a fixed price for him - אלא אם כן קוצץ לו דמים

ב"ה permits giving clothes to be cleaned only if it is קצץ.

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תוס' ד"ה אין

One does not set sail on a ship - אין מפליגין בספינה

It is forbidden to ride on a ship on שבת even בתוך התחום, because it is like swimming.

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תוס' ד"ה השום

The garlic and the unripe grapes and grains - השום והבוסר והמלילות

One is permitted to squeeze [other] fruits (except olives, grapes and pomegranates), only למיתוק, but squeezing directly on שבת is problematic, since אחשבינהו.

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תוס' ד"ה רבי

Rabi Yishmoh’ail says; he should finish - רבי ישמעאל אומר יגמור

יגמור can mean; a. leave the beams on (פירוש [רש"י]), b. drink the (משקין שזבו (ר"י, c. squeeze on (שבת (ועוי"ל. According to תוספות the proof to ב"ש is only from b and c.

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