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Amud 94b

תוס' ד"ה אהני

His actions are effective, for if one is removed, etc. - אהני מעשיו דאי משתקלא חדא כולי

אהני מעשיו is only when one more identical action is needed.

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תוס' ד"ה והא

And this which was taught Pohtur; where he took out half-a-Zayis from a large corpse - והא דתנן פטור דאפיק חצי זית ממת גדול

It is obvious that by taking out a חצי זית (if that’s all there is) he is פטור. Removing a חצי זית from a מת גדול is פטור for לא אהני מעשיו; however for removing a כזית ממת גדול he is חייב, since he prevented the house from becoming טמא after the removal of the מת.

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תוס' ד"ה ממת

From a large corpse - ממת גדול

One is פטור if he removes a חצי זית from a מת who consists of two (or three) זיתים.

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תוס' ד"ה אבל

However with a utensil, all agree his liable - אבל בכלי דברי הכל חייב

The רבנן of our משנה follow ר"י that משאצל"ג is חייב.

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תוס' ד"ה והוא

And provided that they were severed towards the top - והוא שפירשו כלפי מעלה

רש"י maintains כלפי מעלה meant toward the fingertip and תוספות maintains it means toward the body (joint)

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תוס' ד"ה פוקסת

פוקסת -

פוקסת (which is כעין טוויה) cannot mean combing.

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תוס' ד"ה וכי

And is then this the manner of weaving - וכי דרך אריגה בכך

Braiding goats’ hair for a garment is considered weaving (since it will also last), braiding hair cannot be considered weaving (a garment, and it also does not last).

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