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Amud 16b

תוס' ד"ה ככוחלא

Like the special eye makeup of the East - ככוחלא דרישקא במינה

According to רש"י, the name קרן הפוך refers to כורכמא דרישקא (where כרכום is grown), according to תוספות it refers to כוחלא דרישקא (the special gleaming eye makeup).

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תוס' ד"ה שכל

For every ill person who sees it, is immediately healed - שכל חולה שרואה אותה מיד מתרפא

We may assume that even before יעקב people were sick from wounds inflicted externally; or we may assume that people were sick with manageable illnesses, but not with terminal illnesses until יעקב. After יעקב until אלישע no one was healed from a ‘terminal’ illness.

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תוס' ד"ה בא

He came upon a betrothed maiden - בא על נערה המאורסה

The five ‘sins’ were not all prohibited; some were (merely!) despicable.

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