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Amud 18a

תוס' ד"ה דטירייא

That vibrations are damaging for a wall - דטירייא קשה לכותל

The גמרא mentions the reason of טירייא here (even though later the גמרא offers קלא as the reason) either because it was the initial reason, or because טירייא וקלא are the same reason.

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תוס' ד"ה לא

A person should not open up a bakery - לא יפתח אדם חנות של נחתומין

The problem with a bakery under a storehouse is the smoke, according to רש"י; and the heat according to תוספות. Smoked wine is פסול לנסכים.

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תוס' ד"ה הא

But if there is no storehouse he may make it - הא ליכא אוצר עביד

The גמרא could have answered (as it did previously); the משנה is merely teaching us that these items can damage the אוצר.

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תוס' ד"ה דיקא (הא')

This can also be inferred; for it was taught if the cattle stable preceded, etc. - דיקא נמי דקתני אם היתה רפת בקר קודמת כולי

תוספות asks that the reason he mentions the היתר לסמוך here, is because it is מותר even though it is גירי דיליה.

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תוס' ד"ה דיקא (הב')

This can also be inferred, for it was taught, etc. - דיקא נמי דקתני כולי

According to אביי if one may be סומך by דירה, he may be סומך anywhere else.

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תוס' ד"ה ואם

And if the cattle stable was, etc. - ואם היתה רפת בקר כולי

All three prohibitions (including a bakery, a dye store and a רפת בקר) are lifted if they preceded the אוצר.

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תוס' ד"ה ותני

And we learnt regarding this; the four Amos which they said is in order to work the vineyard - ותני עלה ד' אמות שאמרו כדי עבודת הכרם

The term עבודת הכרם is used elsewhere therefor he uses it here (even) by אילן.

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תוס' ד"ה טעמא

The reason is because of working the vineyard, etc. - טעמא משום עבודת הכרם כולי

From the משנה we can derive that one can be סומך a tree within twenty-five אמות; from the דיוק of the ברייתא we can infer that one may be סומך even within ד' אמות.

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תוס' ד"ה דמפסיק

That a rock separates - דמפסיק צונמא

There is a need to distance ד' אמות even if מפסיק צונמא in order that he does not enter his neighbor’s property when he is turning the plow around.

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תוס' ד"ה היו

Its roots extended, etc. - היו שרשיו יוצאין כולי

This משנה is either discussing a לוקח, or it was planted שלא ברשות, however the משנה did not wish to elaborate that he is קוצץ ונותן דמים.

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תוס' ד"ה הכא

Here too; by a buyer - הכא נמי בלוקח

בלוקח can mean either he sold the בור and retained the tree (רש"י), he sold the tree (ריב"ם), or he bought the tree from a third party (ר"ת; and טענינן ללוקח). The קדימה of the בור or אילן is determined by its status when there was a complaint. According to the ר"ת it would seemingly make no difference what was קדים.

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