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Amud 21a

תוס' ד"ה זכור

That man should be remembered for good; and his name is יהושע בן גמלא, etc. - זכור אותו האיש לטוב ויהושע בן גמלא שמו

יב"ג here is the same as יב"ג in מס' יבמות, and he was fit to be a כה"ג, although there were others who were more prominent than him.

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תוס' ד"ה ולמדתם

And you will teach them; and you will teach - ולמדתם אותם ולמדתם אתם

We can derive the דרשה that a father is obligated to teach his children, from the word 'ולמדתם' by itself (without the אותם אתם דרשה).

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תוס' ד"ה כי

For the Torah will go forth from Tzeeyon - כי מציון תצא תורה

Being in a place where people are acting in a holy manner has that same effect on the visitor.

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תוס' ד"ה כבן

At about the age of six, at about the age of seven - כבן שש כבן שבע

Stronger children would go to school earlier than the weaker ones.

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תוס' ד"ה בבציר

Do not accept less than the age of six - בבציר מבר שית לא תקבל

A child who is בריא לגמרי can begin learning at five years old.

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תוס' ד"ה אחד

One of the Mohvooy dwellers, etc. - אחד מבני מבוי כולי

Only a dweller of the same חצר can prevent a fellow dweller from opening certain businesses in this חצר, but dwellers of other חצרים in this מבוי have no say.

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תוס' ד"ה וגרדי

And a weaver - וגרדי

The משנה is when it is a private mill or smithy, the case of גרדי is a business, the case of ריחים וחנות is in two separate חצרים, or all cases are businesses, however there is more traffic by a weaver than by a mill or a smith.

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תוס' ד"ה ולא

And not to a gentile teacher - ולא לסופר ארמאי

The prohibition of selling (or renting) to a gentile a property near another Jew, is only if there is another Jew who wants to buy (or rent) the property; otherwise it is permitted.

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תוס' ד"ה בסופר

By a Soifayr of the city - בסופר מתא

סופר מתא can mean a master teacher, (a barber?), or the city scribe for documents.

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תוס' ד"ה מתקנת

From the enactment of יהושע בן גמלא and onwards we do not bring a child from city to city - מתקנת יהושע בן גמלא ואילך לא ממטינן ינוקא ממתא למתא

The rule of רבא is only if there are twenty five students. The rule is necessary in a case where in the other city there are fifty students and two teachers.

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תוס' ד"ה סך

The total for a teacher of beginners is twenty-five children - סך מקרי דרדקי כ"ה ינוקי

We require a minimum of twenty-five children to coerce all the people of the city to hire a teacher.

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תוס' ד"ה פירש

Rabeinu Chananel explained - פירש רבינו חננאל

The רבי was slack since he did not follow up on how his student is reading, but not that the רבי made a mistake, for that is not considered רמייה.

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