One of the Mohvooy dwellers, etc. - אחד מבני מבוי כולי
Only a dweller of the same חצר can prevent a fellow dweller from opening certain businesses in this חצר, but dwellers of other חצרים in this מבוי have no say.
The משנה is when it is a private mill or smithy, the case of גרדי is a business, the case of ריחים וחנות is in two separate חצרים, or all cases are businesses, however there is more traffic by a weaver than by a mill or a smith.
The prohibition of selling (or renting) to a gentile a property near another Jew, is only if there is another Jew who wants to buy (or rent) the property; otherwise it is permitted.
From the enactment of יהושע בן גמלא and onwards we do not bring a child from city to city - מתקנת יהושע בן גמלא ואילך לא ממטינן ינוקא ממתא למתא
The rule of רבא is only if there are twenty five students. The rule is necessary in a case where in the other city there are fifty students and two teachers.
The רבי was slack since he did not follow up on how his student is reading, but not that the רבי made a mistake, for that is not considered רמייה.