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Amud 22a

תוס' ד"ה קנאת

The jealousy of teachers increases wisdom - קנאת סופרים תרבה חכמה

עזרא did not enact that they should place one teacher next to another.

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תוס' ד"ה מעלמא

They came from elsewhere, let them sell to those who come from elsewhere - מעלמא אתו ולעלמא ליזבנן

Non-local lenders may lend to non-local gentiles in the marketplace only.

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תוס' ד"ה אמר

Rovo said to Rav Ado bar Abo - אמר ליה רבא לרב אדא בר אבא

רב אדא בר אהבה lived in the times of רבי, and רב אדא בר אבא lived in the times of רבא.

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תוס' ד"ה פיל

An elephant that swallowed a wicker basket - פיל שבלע כפיפה מצרית

Summary The query is not regarding swallowing a whole basket, rather the query was where palm fronds were swallowed, and a basket was made from them; is it considered כלי גללים or not. Even when one may not know the final answer, he should mention the various sources that may answer the question and why ultimately, they don’t.

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תוס' ד"ה אנא

I punished him - אנא ענישתיה

They were bemoaning [the possibility of] causing the death of ר"א, thereby denying themselves to be במחיצתו של הקב"ה.

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תוס' ד"ה וקמא

And how was the first one close - וקמא היכי סמיך

The מקשן assumed there was a wall which collapsed (since it states מי שהיה כותלו), ר"י suggested that כותלו means גבול כותלו, which רבא rejected. רבא even in the הו"א, only prohibited placing items which may cause damage near the boundary, but not in a case where it merely prevents improving a situation.

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