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Amud 23a

תוס' ד"ה אתו

The blood drawers came and sat underneath them - אתו אומני ויתבי תותייהו

The אומנים did their work on their own land.

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תוס' ד"ה והא

But they established themselves there - והא אחזיקו להו

There is a dispute whether חזקת תשמישין requires a חזקה שיש עמה טענה.

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תוס' ד"ה אין

There is no established presumption regarding damages - אין חזקה לנזקין

There is a dispute whether there is a ראיה בנזקין (the view of תוספות) or not (ר"ת).

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תוס' ד"ה בקוטרא

By smoke - בקוטרא

קוטרא ובית הכסא (where there is no חזקה לנזקין) is only by furnaces and above ground uncovered outhouses, which cause excessive damage.

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תוס' ד"ה לדידי

As for me that I am of a sensitive mindset - לדידי דאנינא דעתאי

רב יוסף was known to be an איסטניס (or אנין הדעת).

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תוס' ד"ה כקוטרא

It is similar to smoke and an outhouse - כקוטרא ובית הכסא דמו

רב יוסף, being an איסטניס could not bear the combination of bloodletting and the monetary loss of the dates, or he could not bear the dates being drenched in blood.

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תוס' ד"ה מרחיקין

We distance the dovecote fifty cubits from the city - מרחיקין השובך מן העיר חמשים אמה

If the שובך is placed fifty אמות from the city it will not eat the grain that is spread out to dry on the roofs, and not the grain in the fields which are a thousand אמות distance from the city.

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תוס' ד"ה ולא

And a person should not make a dovecote within his own property - ולא יעשה שובך תוך שלו

There is a need to teach us distancing both from the city (where תבואה is not common) and in the field (where it is covered).

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תוס' ד"ה בית

An area of four Koor, as is the full flight of a dove - בית ארבעת כורין כמלא שגר היונה

All agree that the doves fly more than fifty אמות, however ר"י ורבנן argue whether they eat their fill within fifty אמות (the רבנן), or not (ר"י).

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תוס' ד"ה אלא

Unless he distanced himself thirty Ris - אלא אם כן הרחיק שלשים ריס

Thirty ריס is four מיל (or one פרסה). The גמרא uses various modes of measuring distances.

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תוס' ד"ה והתניא

But the Braysoh taught that in a settled place [he should not spread out the nets] even for a hundred Mil - והתניא ביישוב אפילו מאה מיל

The גמרא is asking on אביי that since we see that birds can fly even a hundred מיל even though elsewhere it states they can fly only thirty ריס, this seemingly indicates that the reason for this difference is that when there is food on the way they continue to eat (beyond חמישים אמה) and to fly (beyond שלשים ריס).

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תוס' ד"ה יורש

We already learnt regarding an heir - יורש תנינא

The מקשן assumed that יורש ולוקח are similar however the תרצן (ור"ז) disagree.

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תוס' ד"ה וצריכי

And they are (both) needed - וצריכי

We cannot derive the rules (of יורש ולוקח) one from the other, but once we know the rule exists by both, we can derive the details one from the other.

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תוס' ד"ה אחולי

They surely relinquished their claim against him - אחולי אחילו גביה

The מחילה is done by all the people who, since they each have a minimal share, are willing to be מוחל, easier than one individual who carries the entire loss.

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