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Amud 24b

תוס' ד"ה מרחיקין

We distance the tree [from the city] twenty-five cubits - מרחיקין את האילן [מן העיר] כ"ה אמה

No crops may be planted within one thousand אמות of the city.

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תוס' ד"ה מאי

Why is this different from a pit, where he chops it down and pays money? Rav Kahana said, a pot of partners, etc. - מאי שנא מבור דקוצץ ונותן דמים אמר רב כהנא קידרא דבי שותפי כולי

We are not concerned for קידרי דבי שותפי, when he was סומך בהיתר; since he did nothing wrong, we are not concerned that they will leave the tree. If there would be a requirement to pay, they would not chop down the tree because the owner would demand to know who is paying him.

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תוס' ד"ה ולימא

And let him say to them, pay me first and I will chop it down afterwards - ולימא להו הבו לי ברישא והדר איקוץ

The claim, ‘pay me first’, is valid if there was no transgression of the law.

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תוס' ד"ה קשיא

There is a difficulty according to Abayey - קשיא לאביי

The question on אביי is why did he assume that כדי של יזיק cannot be a reason, when in the ברייתא it clearly uses כדי שלא יזיק as a reason.

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