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Amud 25b

תוס' ד"ה וממזרים

And from dispersed parts [there is cold, this is the north wind] - וממזרים

The north is called מזרים since that wall is thrown down.

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תוס' ד"ה וכתיב

And it is written; North and right, etc. - וכתיב צפון וימין וכולי

ויגזור על ימין can either refer to the right of a person or it can even mean north.

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תוס' ד"ה תנא

It was taught; whether the pit was above and the tree below, etc. - תנא בין שהבור למעלה ואילן למטה כולי

We need the ברייתא to either teach us that distancing is required by all trees, or that distancing is required even if the pit is higher.

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תוס' ד"ה עני

He was poor and became rich - עני והעשיר הוה

גירי דיליה requires one to distance even if initially there was no concern; provided that it is not קביעא תשמישייהו, however if it is קביעא תשמישייהו, if he was סמך בהיתר he may remain even if it is גירי דיליה. (Alternately here they were סומך באיסור, since כל מרא מרפי לארעא.)

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