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Amud 33b

תוס' ד"ה ואי

And if he claimed and said, I descended for fruits, etc. - ואי טעין ואמר לפירות ירדתי כולי

The claim of לפירות ירדתי must be made initially and does not allow for the מחזיק to continue eating the פירות, however it allows him to keep the פירות which are not ברשותו. There can be no מיגו of לפירות ירדתי since it is a weaker claim that מינך זביני. The מחזיק returns the פירות of the two years but not for the third year, for if he ate three years he has a חזקה .

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תוס' ד"ה איזיל

I will go and harvest the date palm - איזיל ואגדריה לדיקלא

One is believed to claim that he bought the right for the fruit, but not that he bought the rights to destroy (the tree).

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תוס' ד"ה לא

A person is not that brazen - לא חציף איניש

The חוצפה is on account of the harvesting alone even without an announcement.

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תוס' ד"ה אי

If so; then even the land as well - אי הכי אפילו ארעא נמי

The גמרא never entertained the thought that the מחזיק should keep the land; only that he should keep the פירות שאכל.

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תוס' ד"ה היינו

This is the same as the case of נסכא דר' אבא, etc. - היינו נסכא דרבי אבא

The comparison to נסכא דר"א (even in the ס"ד) was only regarding the פירי.

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