שכל דברי מלכות נחתכין על פיו – For all the royal matters were decided by his word.
There are two opinion why התך) דניאל) did not deliver the message אסתר sent to מרדכי; and consequently the punishment דניאל received for advising נבוכדנצר.
הכי קתני וכן בגינה סתם כולי – This is what the משנה is teaching; and similarly in an unclassified garden, etc.
When אביי interpreted the רישא, the same applies to the סיפא that by a סתם בקעה and מקום שלא נהגו לגדור בגינה he is not obligated to build a wall.
והא מבחוץ קתני קשיא – But the משנה teaches that it is placed from the other side! This is indeed a difficulty.
We can, with difficulty, answer the question of מבחוץ קתני. We can say that it means the חזית protrudes outside from the face of the wall. However the משנה then should have stated clearly 'מחוץ' – from the outside.