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Amud 42b

תוס' ד"ה אבל

However a partner has a presumptive status - אבל שותף יש לו חזקה

We can distinguish between אריסים (where the משנה states אין להם חזקה and שותפין (where it does not mention it [according to שמואל]).

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תוס' ד"ה שותף

A partner is like one who enters with permission; does that not mean that he has no Chazokoh - שותף כיורד ברשות דמי לאו למימרא דאין לו חזקה

There is seemingly no proof from s'שמואל statement of שותף כיורד ברשות דמי, that he maintains שותף אין לו חזקה.

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תוס' ד"ה שבח

The improvement that reaches the shoulders - שבח המגיע לכתפים

According to רש"י the meaning of שבח המגיע לכתפים are fruits that ripen (which can be carried away on the shoulder), however according to the ר"ת it refers to any improvement that came through toil.

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