Some say a Kahblohn cannot testify - קבלן אמרי לה אינו מעיד
The bias of the קבלן is that the more fields the לוה has, the more likely the מלוה will collect from the לוה and the קבלן will have no need to be embroiled in a די"ת
For instance; that he said, he admitted in my presence - כגון דקאמר בפנינו הודה
The distinction between בן אומן and בן גזלן is when the son claims that the מערער was מודה to my father (but not that there are עדים that he was מודה).
Sometimes the grandson of a robber has no Chazokoh; for instance when he comes with the claim of his grandfather - פעמים שבן בן גזלן אין לו חזקה כגון דקאתי בטענתא דאבא דאבוה
We can be גורס that בן של גזלן יש לו חזקה, or we can be גורס that בן בנו של גזלן אין לו חזקה, and we are not טוען ליורש, either because he negated that option in his claim, or the claim of הדר זבנה is a מלתא דלא שכיחא which we are not טוען ליתומים.
He left his craft; he has a Chazokoh - ירד מאומנותו יש לו חזקה
An אומן שירד מאומנתו (as well as a בן אומן who claims בפני הודה) has a חזקה, even if the item was in his possession when he was an אומן, provided that an inordinate amount of time elapsed from when the owner should have retrieved his item.