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Amud 9a

תוס' ד"ה ואף

And even though there is no proof for this; there is mention of this - ואף על פי שאין ראיה לדבר זכר לדבר

The גזברים in the time of יואש were צדיקים גמורים.

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תוס' ד"ה אין

We do not give to a poor man who is traveling from place to place, less than a loaf of bread worth a פונדיון, etc. - אין פוחתין לעני העובר ממקום למקום מככר בפונדיון כולי

תמחוי is not distributed at night. An עני is given two meals; one for the upcoming evening meal and one for פת בסלו. There is no concern he will not reach a Jewish settlement before the next meal.

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תוס' ד"ה שבת

He stayed for שבת; we give him food for three meals - שבת נותנין לו מזון שלש סעודות

The three שבת meals are given for the third שבת meal, the מוצאי שבת meal and one as a meal to go. One may not take from the תמחוי if he has two meals, besides the current meal. If one has sufficient food he should not take from צדקה; if however he does not have enough for even two meals for שבת, he may take three meals for שבת.

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תוס' ד"ה לא

He did not mind him - לא אזדקיק ליה

We do not give from the קופה to an עני המחזר על הפסחים only a דבר מועט. However privately one should give him.

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תוס' ד"ה שנאמר

As it says; and we placed upon ourselves מצות, etc. - שנאמר והעמדנו עלינו מצות

Giving צדקה for the poor is greater than giving for the בדק הבית.

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