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Amud 23b

תוס' ד"ה תא

Come and hear; he incited a dog against him - תא שמע שיסה בו את הכלב

We may assume that the case of שיסה is regarding damages (also), as opposed to the סיפא of השיך which may be discussing killing (exclusively).

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תוס' ד"ה דאפקיה

For he stuck out his teeth and scratched him - דאפקיה לניביה וסרטיה

A תרצן prefers to change as little as possible from the understanding of the מקשן.

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תוס' ד"ה יכלי

They could say; let the master fence in his land - יכלי למימר לגדור מר גדירא בארעיה

A מזיק cannot claim exemption since the ניזק should have protected himself.

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תוס' ד"ה הנהו

These goats of the market, etc. - הנהו עיזי דשוקא כולי

One may only slaughter goats that are kept for their meat but not goats which are kept for their milk (even when they damage).

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תוס' ד"ה איזהו

Which one is a Mued, etc. - איזהו מועד כולי

All agree that a שור becomes a מועד with three warnings.

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תוס' ד"ה שיהו

That the children should be able, etc. - שיהו התינוקות כולי

According to ר"מ: a) Playing with children is more docile than not goring people, b) not goring cows for three days is certainly sufficient, and c) three times not goring cows in one day is insufficient.

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תוס' ד"ה ולא

And he will not guard him now; he is liable - ולא ישמרנו האידנא חייב

רש"י (initially) maintains that according to רבא a מועד pays a נ"ש by the third נגיחה. However תוספות maintains that a מועד pays a נ"ש only by the fourth נגיחה. According to אביי the fourth נגיחה must take place on the fourth day while according to רבא it may take place even on the third day. There is a dispute whether if a שור הנסקל שנגמר דינו is אסור בהנאה or מותר בהנאה . Three sets of עדים זוממין regarding the goring of an ox to make him a מועד, may have to pay for the fourth נגיחה , or possibly they only pay for his devaluation but not for future damages.

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