לאו אף על גב דכוונתו להזיק אפילו הכי פטורין – Is it not so, that even though the intent is to damage, nevertheless they are exempt from payment!
The מקשן was aware of the טעמא רבה. This פטור of עבד extends even to שלא בכוונה, where there is no טעמא רבה; but there is the concern of כוונה. This proves that כוונה causes the פטור. Rav אשי maintains that the טעמא רבה causes the פטור.
למחשביה בהדי מועדין כולי – To enumerate it among the מועדין, etc.
שמואל maintains that a repetition in the סיפא is warranted when new details are offered as by שן ורגל, but not by אדם. The exception is קרן since it was mentioned already by the תמים it was included by the מועדין. All agree that there is no point in mentioning בור ואש by the מועדין for the entire concept of מועד is applicable only by live animals.
כראי אדם שאין משלם את הכופר – (Is not) Like the nature of man; who does not pay כופר
The ריב"א maintains that a person is פטור from כופר on account of קלב"מ (and is פטור even בשוגג, on account of the תד"ח). The ר"י maintains that קלב"מ does not apply to כופר. The פטור from כופר is derived from the word 'עליו', which limits כופר to a שור and excludes אדם.
כיון דכייף ופשיט אורחיה הוא – Since he bends and stretches, it is his usual manner
A sleeping person is only obligated to pay for damages he caused to people and utensils that were near him when he went to sleep; not otherwise.
אדם שמירת גופו עליו - By a person it is incumbent upon him to guard himself
We are not גורס the word 'וממונך' in the משנה, since the גמרא did not challenge רב from it. [However it is not necessary to amend those texts that contain 'וממונך'.]