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Amud 62b

תוס' ד"ה מי

Does it then state, ‘there is no difference between, etc’. - מי קתני אין בין כולי

The expression אין בין אלא indicates that the list is exhaustive. However it may not be universally exhaustive, but rather only for a limited topic.

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תוס' ד"ה מרובה

It merely stated, ‘it is greater’; it teaches and leaves out - מרובה קתני תנא ושייר

The difference between the two לשונות is whether מרובה is equivalent to אין בין, or whether it is not the same. We can say that there are additional omissions besides the one mentioned here, or we can say that since the משנה did not place a number on the differences the issue of מאי שייר דהאי שייר does not apply.

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תוס' ד"ה יצאו קרקעות

Land is excluded, etc. - יצאו קרקעות כולי

We may require two פסוקים to exempt קרקע from שבועה and כפל in a case of a גלגול שבועה. The conclusion is that there is only one פסוק required to exempt from both. קרקע can be stolen, by השגת גבול or fruits which are מחובר לקרקע.

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תוס' ד"ה יצאו שטרות

Notes are excluded - יצאו שטרות

There is more plausibility (regarding גרמי) that once one is already obligated to return that he also pay כפל, than being obligated to pay initially.

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