רבי יוחנן stated; she has ד' אמות, etc. - רבי יוחנן אמר יש לה ד' אמות
The rule of ד' אמות קונה by גט is (even) if both the husband and the wife can equally guard the גט; the rule of קרוב לה (by מאה אמה) is only is she alone can guard the גט (but he cannot).
And if it is because of שליחות; so then we have found a שליח לדבר עבירה, etc. - ואי משום שליחות אם כן מצינו שליח לדבר עבירה
We derive that חצר is משום יד from the fact that חצר accomplishes all that יד accomplishes by גירושין; including גירושי קטנה and גירושין בע"כ. It could not accomplish this if חצר were מטעם שליחות.
The criterion of אי בעי לא עביד which is a precondition for אין שליח לדבר עבירה, means that the שליח knew that he was engaging in a prohibited activity and had the option to decline. However if the שליח was unaware that this activity is prohibited, it is considered as if he had no option to decline, and the משלח is liable for the actions of the שליח, and אין שליח לדבר עבירה does not apply.
That he said to a ישראל; betroth for me a divorcee - דאמר לישראל קדש לי אשה גרושה
A בר חיובא means that if the שליח would perform this act on his own behalf he would be transgressing. Transgressing לפני עור does not make one a בר חיובא. There is מלקות if a כהן is מקדש a גרושה, provided he was בועל later (according to רבא).
Cut off for me the פיאות of a minor boy -אקפי לי קטן
The difference between רבינא and רב סמא would be also in a case of אקפי לי גדול (just as by אקפי לי קטן); however it is not mentioned since a גדול would not allow himself to be cut, even if he is not assisting, for he is always עובר an איסור (and will receive מלקות if he assists in the haircut).