This note is merely a potsherd - האי שטרא חספא בעלמא הוא
When the גזלן purchases the field from the נגזל it is transferred immediately and automatically to the לוקח (without any other קנינים). A קנין can be accomplished though הנאת מחילת מלוה, however it cannot be accomplished (by מכר) through מחילת מלוה (according to one view of תוספות).
If we maintain אדם מקנה דשלב"ל, either party can retract when it is still לא בא לעולם (regardless if מעכשיו was said or not). If the קנין of a דשלב"ל was made with a שטר and the שטר does not exist when the item is בא לעולם, there will be no effective קנין, unless מעכשיו was mentioned originally.