And he went and said to them, ‘for four’; their mind is for the increase - ואזיל איהו אמר להו בארבעה דעתייהו אעילויא
כמו שאמר בעה"ב can mean we trust you that the בעה"ב said what you told us, or it can mean, we want what the בעה"ב promised if it is more than you are offering us.
One who hires craftsmen and they retracted; they are at a disadvantage - השוכר את האומנין וחזרו בהם ידם על התחתונה
The disadvantage of the one who retracts is that we take into account what is the cost of finishing the job, if it costs more and the workers retract they lose, if it costs less and the owner retracts he loses.
For if it enters you mind that he trusts her words, she should at least be divorced when the Get comes into her hand - דאי סלקא דעתך אדיבורא דידה סמיך כי מטי גיטא לידה מיהא תתגרש
By גט (at least) it is preferable (for the בעל who intends to divorce his wife) to have it done as quickly as possible, rather than to keep his options open.