Abayeh interpreted it by M’chiktoh - תרגמה אביי במחיקתא
An addition of one thirtieth (of volume) to be מחייב is only when the relative weights are not that far apart. Otherwise more volume needs to be added
That since he holds on to it for his payment; he is a ש"ש, etc. - דקא תפיס ליה אאגריה הוי שומר שכר
The logic of בההוא הנאה דתפיס ליה אאגריה cannot apply to a מלוה על המשכון, since the מלוה has no benefit from the loan, and also not to a שוכר, since the nature of שכירות is that all שוכרים are in possession of their rental. It applies only to an אומן.