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Amud 81a

תוס' ד"ה הא

But, ‘I finished it’; he is a paid custodian - הא גמרתיו שומר שכר

Holding on to an item to insure payment is insufficient (on its own) to render one a ש"ש; it must be combined with actual earning.

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תוס' ד"ה לא

No; but ‘bring money and take yours’; he is a paid custodian - לא הא הבא מעות וטול את שלך שומר שכר

Announcing that the work is finished makes the אומן a ש"ח, unless he expressly will not relinquish the item until he is paid.

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תוס' ד"ה אתא

He came before Rav Nachman and he held him liable - אתא לקמיה דרב נחמן וחייביה

The לוקח is liable only when it is a זבינא חריפא. An item is considered a זבינא חריפא, even if it sells easily only at a small profit margin.

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תוס' ד"ה הניחא

It is satisfactory according to the one who maintains negligence with the owner is exempt - הניחא למאן דאמר פשיעה בבעלים פטור

The גמרא presumes that the later אמוראים will not argue on the earlier אמוראים.

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