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Amud 34b

תוס' ד"ה וכל

And any name which he has - וכל שום שיש לו

According to the ה"ג in every גט one must write וכל שום שיש לו. The ר"ת maintains that (only) if a person has more the one name all his names must be written in the גט.

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תוס' ד"ה והוא

And that is only when he was established with two names - והוא דאתחזק בתרי שמי

Different names in different places is more reason to write all the names. Initially one should always write all the names unless the כינוי is well known or similar to the שם מובהק.

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תוס' ד"ה אין

A widow cannot collect from the assets of the orphans without an oath - אין אלמנה נפרעת מנכסי יתומין אלא בשבועה

There is a greater possibility of a תנאי בי"ד being paid even תוך זמנו, than a loan being paid (even) לאחר זמנו.

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תוס' ד"ה מאי

Why mention אלמנה; it applies also even to everyone else - מאי איריא אלמנה אפילו כולי עלמא נמי

The חידוש of אלמנה is sufficiently greater than בע"ח, which warrants that it be mentioned specifically also in the רישא (and not just merely תנא רישא אטו סיפא).

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תוס' ד"ה אלמנה

It was necessary for him to mention אלמנה, etc. - אלמנה איצטריכא ליה

We would not know that an אלמנה is required to swear when she collects from יתומים, from the fact that a גרושה is required to swear, since by אלמנה it is תוך זמנו. Occasional a תנא may repeat his ruling if no elaboration is required.

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