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Amud 42a

תוס' ד"ה בעבד

By a slave of two partners and according to everyone - בעבד של שני שותפין ודברי הכל

The restriction of ר"א regarding 'המיוחד לו', is only if one owns קנין הגוף and the other קנין פירות, but not if they are שותפין in both. A שטר שחרור, however is effective to remove איסור but not ממון.

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תוס' ד"ה הא

Here is where he said; half – half - הא דאמר חצי חצי

רש"י maintains that the reason they are not קונה by חצי is because it may be the same חצי. According to the ר"ש they are not קונה even if it is a different חצי, since כל שאין בזה אח"ז אפי' בב"א אין. The difficulty with this is why are they קונה by כולו. There is a need to differentiate between קידושין and ממון which is divisible.

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תוס' ד"ה מאי

Why teach ‘half’, it is also even by ‘all’ - מאי איריא חצי אפילו כולו נמי

By one שטר there is no conceivable difference between חצי and כולו.

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תוס' ד"ה יום

The day of his master; it goes to his master - יום של רבו לרבו

Once an עבד is freed halfway, he no longer works for his remaining master.

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