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Amud 45b

תוס' ד"ה אמרי

Some say we read in it - אמרי לה קורין בו

One may read from a ס"ת which is in the possession of a נכרי, either because it is a ספק ספיקא (according to רש"י) or because it is more likely that a ישראל wrote it (תוס').

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תוס' ד"ה והא

And this which was taught that it should be interred; it is this Tannah - והא דתניא יגנז האי תנא הוא

It is preferable to cite an anonymous source which is dealing directly with the subject matter, than a specific source which is discussing a tangential issue.

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תוס' ד"ה כל

Whoever is included in tying is included in writing - כל שישנו בקשירה ישנו בכתיבה

Woman may tie the לולב and make ציצית (not like the ר"ת ruled); it is only by סת"ם that women are ineligible to write them.

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תוס' ד"ה עד

Until he processes them for its purpose - עד שיעבדם לשמן

תוספות rules that the הלכה is like רשב"ג that we require עיבוד לשמה (and it is in accordance with רבא who maintains הזמנה לאו מילתא היא).

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תוס' ד"ה מעלין

We increase their value up to a Tarp’ik - מעלין בדמיהן עד כדי טרפעיק

According to רש"י even for a ס"ת one may pay up to a טרפעיק more, however according to תוספות the addition of (just) a טרפעיק is regarding תו"מ only.

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תוס' ד"ה עיבוד

Processing Lishmon is required; writing Lishmon is not required?! - עיבוד לשמן בעי כתיבה לשמן לא בעי

There is seemingly no contradiction for כתיבה is סתמא לשמה, however by עיבוד עורות it is סתמא לא לשמה, therefore we require עיבוד לשמה.

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