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Amud 48b

תוס' ד"ה הא

This is with water - הא במיא

According to רש"י when something is totally insignificant it is excluded completely, while תוספות maintains that it is included and is part of its significant counterpart. They also disagree whether the answers of the גמרא need to correspond to the ברייתות or not.

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תוס' ד"ה איכא

There are those who prefer silver and are not pleased with gold - איכא דניחא ליה בכספא ולא ניחא ליה בדהבא

The dispute between the ת"ק and ר"ש is only where it is possible to explain why the woman would prefer the inferior קידושין, but not when it is inexplicable.

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תוס' ד"ה דהוה

Which was wrapped in a rag - דהוה צייר בבליתא

The answer of צייר בבליתא is applicable only by a שליח לקבלה of the אשה, but not by a שליח לקדש of the בעל (where the שליח lays out the money).

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