Home > Masechta Kidushin > 49a
For he can make it simple - שיכול לעשותו פשוט
Summary: There may be many blank lines in a גט פשוט as long as there are as many עדים as there are blank lines.
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What is M’goodeles; Gadeles - מאי מגודלת גדלת
Summary: גדלת can mean either a prominent person (רש"י) or a hair braider (ר"ח); in either case there is ample opportunity for gossip.
One who translates a verse in its ‘form’ - המתרגם פסוק כצורתו
Summary: רש"י and the ר"ח offer different examples regarding המתרגם פסוק כצורתו and והמוסיף עליו. The תרגום אונקלוס was given at הר סיני, but was forgotten later.