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Amud 5a

תוס' ד"ה ומניין

And from where do we derive that she is also acquired with שטר, etc. - ומניין שאף בשטר

Summary: We cannot derive that an אשה is נקנית בשטר from a ק"ו מאמה either because קנין שטר באמה is derived from אשה, or because we can refute the ק"ו or the two שטרות are different.

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תוס' ד"ה שכן פודין

For indeed we can redeem with it הקדש and מעשר, etc. - שכן פודין בו הקדשות ומעשר

Summary: A חומרא which is written in the תורה cannot be disregarded even if it is possible to say כ"ז אשים בק"ו. We cannot derive קידושי שטר from קידושי קרקע, because קרקע has the חומרא of שכן קונין מטלטלין אגבה.

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תוס' ד"ה מה

Just as her ‘becoming’ married is with money, so too her leaving should be with money - מה הויה בכסף אף יציאתה בכסף

Summary: There was never any thought of effecting גירושין through ביאה, for his intention is to distance himself from her, and in addition she may be suspect of acts that require him to abstain.

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תוס' ד"ה סניגור

A defender should become a prosecutor - סניגור יעשה קטיגור

Summary: The difficulty with כסף מכניס כסף מוציא is only if it is the same person (the קונה) who both makes and breaks the קנין by giving כסף; however if the קונה gives (to make the קנין) and receives (to break the קנין) that is understandable.

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תוס' ד"ה קאי

When גירושין is discussed, it excludes גירושין, etc. - קאי בגירושין ממעט גירושין

Summary: The context of the פסוק of וכתב לה indicates that the תורה intends to limit the manner how he can divorce her.

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תוס' ד"ה על

With the stipulation that you should never go to your father’s house; it is not a גט, etc. - על מנת שלא תלכי לבית אביך לעולם אין זה גט

Summary: The term בית אביך means the family’s house (not [only] the father’s house).

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תוס' ד"ה ורבי

And ריה"ג derives it from כרת כריתות, etc. - ורבי יוסי הגלילי מכרת כריתות נפקא

Summary: ראב"ע utilizes the additional דרשא from כרת כריתות to refute the view of ר' אליעזר, while ריה"ג utilizes it to teach us that ספר כורתה ואין דבר אחר כורתה.

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תוס' ד"ה שכן ישנן

For they can be done forcibly - שכן ישנן בעל כרחה

Summary: According to רש"י when a father sells his daughter for עבדות that is considered בע"כ; however when he marries her off that is not considered בע"כ (since [eventually] she would have agreed). According to תוספות the יעוד which takes place later is considered the בע"כ, but it is not considered אישות since the money was given for עבדות and not for אישות.

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